Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Eternally Yours

Our Big Eternal Family.
This day was filled with love and peace.
I am so grateful for the struggle and pain it took to get to this day. It made it all the more sweet in fully forgiving myself and feeling free.

All of the kids got to share in this day. After Brian and I knelt together and said "Yes," all 7 children entered the room all dressed in white. We were both already a mess before they entered, but as they did, we both completely lost it. Tears of joy and peace filled the room, and it was awesome to be able to all share this experience together.

 I am so thankful for the prayers and love we have been given over these past years. I know we couldn't have made it with out the love and acceptance of our families and friends.

I will not forget...

I will not forget the time...
time that felt stopped for so long...
long days and night of repenting & seeking...
seeking for the strength to overcome...
overcome weakness and mistakes...
mistakes that the Lord took upon Him...
Him who is perfect...
perfect like this day...
a day I will not forget...


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Halloween Fun

Cops, robbers, and some convicted felons.  I think this will be the last themed year with all of the kids. But I love it!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

I love to see the Temple.....

Today the Ogden, Utah LDS Temple was dedicated. It was my Sunday with my kids so they got to attend with Brian and I. I was a beautiful service, filled with the Spirit.
{my photo}

There were so many words I wanted to remember spoken by each on the program, but as our Prophet of God spoke I knew I had to find something to jot what he said down.  He said "Love the Temple, Appreciate the Temple, and Attend the Temple... and closed with - "May the Temple be the lighthouse of the Lord, guiding us through the storms of life."  It being a stormy day I had to run and capture this picture tonight, because it was fitting.

My heart is full of gratitude that I was able to attend and feel the sweet spirit that attended.  I was in full-on labor last night- but baby girl decided to go posterior and wouldn't move down, helping my body progress...and being 3 days shy of 39 weeks they will not help the labor along and sent me home. I was very discourage- but today, as I was filled with the spirit, as we sang the closing song "The Spirit of God" I started to sob as I felt she was part of the heavenly choir that I know was in attendance also. So baby girl just had another thing to do before she joined us. :O)

After the meeting we ran to get Beth from Papa and G-ma. I was exhausted from laboring from 3pm to 2am and asked for a blessing for me and the baby girl from Brian, G, and Papa. As these men I love placed there hands on my head I was again filled with the spirit and the words Brian spoke I knew were from our Father in Heaven.  And I am grateful that he is a vessel where our Heavenly Father can give me peace and words of encouragement.

I have a testimony of the Temples and our Saviors love for each of us. Since I have repented and gained my blessing back  I have rarely missed attending the Temple each month.  I find so much joy and peace from the struggles I face daily when I am in the Lords House. I am SO grateful and excited for the Ogden Temple to make my goals of attending even easier.  I know the Temples of God on the earth are a place where we can find peace and safety to our souls.  I know it is through the power of the priesthood that the ordinances preformed in the Temple are bound on earth and in Heaven.  I am excited to go to the Ogden Temple {so soon} with Brian to be sealed to each other and our 2 girls. It has been a long road of repentance and struggle to reach this point, and Satan works hard with his outside influences, but as the Lord has promised His tender mercies are on those who seek repentance and forgiveness....and His promises are sure!!! and I know this to be true.
I am reminded daily He loves me and He has forgiven me. I believe! And I stand as a witness of His love, mercy and grace.  In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.